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Dear Families,

I am delighted to extend a heartfelt welcome to you as you embark on a wonderful journey. Our Catholic schools are committed to providing a safe, inclusive, engaging, and nurturing environment where your child can thrive academically, socially, and spiritually.

Our Catholic schools offer curriculum, taught through a Catholic lens, that is designed to ignite their curiosity, stimulate imagination, and lay a strong foundation for future learning. We prioritize the development of essential skills such as literacy, numeracy, and critical thinking, while also nurturing their creativity and love for exploration. We offer play-based learning in Kindergarten classrooms, as well as hands-on activities and interactive experiences.

At our Catholic schools, we cherish the values of compassion, respect, and kindness. Your child will have the opportunity to participate in prayer, reflection, and age-appropriate religious instruction, fostering their spiritual growth and understanding of the Catholic faith.

We understand that parents, guardians, and caregivers hold a vital role as educational partners. We encourage open communication and collaboration with our educators, as we believe that a strong partnership between home and school is key to your child’s success.

We are honoured to have your family join our Catholic education community. Together, let us embrace the joys of this beautiful journey as we lay the foundation for a bright future for your child.

Yours in Christ,

Mike McDonald

Director of Education & Secretary