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School supplies - list

SCHOOL SUPPLIES FOR SEPTEMBER:  In an effort to save parents from buying a lot of unnecessary school supplies, we have created a list of materials that would be helpful for your children to have when they start school in September.  This is only a suggested list of school supplies to help guide you and not a mandatory shopping list.

Primary (Grades 1 – 3)

Glue sticks
Sharpened Pencils
Crayons or Pencil crayons
Soft Pencil case
Kleenex box

Junior (4 – 6)

Glue sticks
Sharpened Pencils
Pencil Crayons
Soft Pencil Case
Ballpoint Pens (Blue/Red)
Gym clothes
Kleenex box

Intermediate (7 – 8)

Glue sticks
Sharpened Pencils
Pencil Crayons
Zip-up Pencil Case
1 Zip up binder
Scientific Calculator
Ballpoint Pens (Black/Blue/Red)
Lined Paper
Gym clothes & Shoes

Kleenex box